Seven Keys

The 7 Keys: Sound Healing Practice is a transformative journey through sound and vibration.

This unique practice involves singing seven mantras in seven different keys to align and tune in with the cosmic source. Each mantra is designed to activate and unblock one of the seven chakras, helping to release bottled emotions and harmonize the body's energies with the universe's natural frequencies. By practicing these mantras, individuals can experience a deeper connection with the universe, achieve a state of mindful vibration, and bring balance to both their physical and mental well-being.

This practice is complemented by specially composed tracks that blend Indian mantras with contemporary sounds, providing a rich and immersive experience. Through the 7 Keys: Sound Healing Practice, you will discover a powerful tool for self-healing, stress reduction, and spiritual growth. Embrace this practice to unlock the power of sound, transform your life, and achieve a state of inner peace and harmony.

Join us on this journey to unlock the power of sound and transform your life. Explore our practice through our streaming platforms, YouTube channel, and social media links available on the site.



Introduction to Sound Healing Practice

“Sound healing practice” What is this project?
This is the the process of singing 7 mantras in 7 keys!
What is this practice for?
In a nutshell, this practice helps you align and tune in with the cosmic source. It is needed to activate all 7 chakras, free ourselves from our bottled emotions and remove the falsity in sound to get the right vibrations, hertz, and frequencies. There are no exceptions in the universe!

To start vibrating on the right and natural frequencies will help you unite with universe, separate yourselves from the fuss and insecurities, and become satisfied. The main idea of the practice is to become conscious about your mind, when, with the help sound, you start vibrating mindfully and easily! Therefore, life in all its spectrums also becomes mindful and easy!

Series Overview: The Sound Healing Practice

Imagine, you turn on Netflix and find series of 7 episodes called “The Sound Healing Practice”

The description says: “Procude sound! Sing! If your singing is clean, it means that you are have the right hertz! However, if it’s not clean, it means your life’s not clean either. You know that everything is interconnected. Being able to sing the right way and keep up with the rhythm, you can turn your life to be as rhythmical! This happens because everything in this universe is the rhythm pulsation. If you still do not sound clean and cannot keep up with the rhythm, these Netflix series are just for you!”

Watching this TV show, we will be singing 7 mantras in 7 keys to unblock and activate 7 chakras of our body. I likewise added my personal perk that includes playing on 7 different flutes to make this wonderful experience even more colorful.

How is this going to happen? Special for this unique project, we (professional music team) composed 7 unique tracks, where we adapted Indian mantras to today’s sounds. It comprises harmonies, simple piano chords accompanied by Indian monotonous tampuras. Let’s sound!

1. A guide! Before practicing, we always sing the “OM” three times. For those who are new to mantras, man is mind, an atra is cleansing. Therefore, “mantra” means the cleansing of mind!

2. During each episode, we will be singing just like in karaoke. I sing first — you listen and memorize. Then, you repeat (sing) yourselves. For your convenience, there will be lyrics on the screen.

The Connection Between Physical and Mental Health

All physical diseases come from mental diseases. Through our body, our soul shows us the root of the problem. Human’s body has its own energetic field, which has to be connected to the universe and the environment around us.

Chakras. You can find details about them on the internet. I can add that they influence our both physical and mental health. A person who practices sound healing starts seeing and feeling chakras. Also, by observation, he or she starts to realize how all chakras impact our daily life. Nowadays, 90% of people live with blocked chakras. For those who think I am bluffing, I want to bring an analogic example of this: when you switch TV channels , you can’t see infrared rays or radio waves , but they are still there. Our body cannot see a lot of things because it has limited physical capabilities.

The multidimensionality of measurements is evident. For example, dolphins communicate using ultrasound at a distance of hundreds of kilometers, but this is another topic. For now, let's start practicing. So, the first tone is “DO”, or, as it is called in the Western world, ( C ). This tone corresponds to the Muladhara chakra. It has a red color and is responsible for physical, natural and the strength of mother Earth. Muladhara is located below the waist in the pelvis, genitals and hips area. All living beings receive the energy of nature from this chakra. That is why I call it the animal chakra!

While singing the first mantra, imagine a shining red circle that rotates clockwise around your waist—right where I described the Muladhara. Also, when singing, try to extract sound from the genitals (over time, someone who practices systematically will be able to extract sound from each chanted chakra’s areas)

Chanting the First Mantra

The “DO” (C) key relates to chakra Muladhara. We will be singing mantra of Ganesha. In Indian pantheon, this deity is always worshipped (воспевать) first. Ganesha won tender in heaven’s cancellations (канцелярии) where all Indian deities participated! (there are numerous of them)

For those who believe that there is only one God and we should worship only him rather than a creature with an elephant’s head and a human’s body, i absolutely agree with you. But special for you, i want to give some food for thought. Look, sun is a God and milliard of his rays warm us and maintain million lifeforms on our whole planet. Likewise, in Hinduism, all these million deities are exactly all these rays, different forms of God, still one God , just in different forms and shapes. Got it?

Keep this knowledge in your heart and live without separating them bur rather integrating them since everything in this universe is just one God!

For more examples, I want to give you a bit more understanding how Indian God’s system work. Imagine that God is a king and he has ministers , generals, architects, teachers, healers, artists and others. All of the “government” members manage the wellbeing of the Kingdom. Worshipping these wise men, we worship the God himself!

That’s it! Let us get back to the first mantra, Ganesh. For yogas, Ganesh is a concentration. In Indian pantheon, this is a God who eliminates obstacles. It used to be called “Vinayaka”, the most wonderful face of the world; this is a different story though.

Ganesh’s lines: “ I came to this world to give and receive love!”


Reminding you that I sing first, and, then, you repeat (such singing form is called “Kirtan” in Hinduism). If you feel not ready to sing out loud, sing in your head!

P.S Sound practice is not a concert — this is a profound work on yourself, where you produce clean sound and practice yoga sound. Watching football is one thing, but playing football is another thing; listening to someone sing is one thing, but singing yourself is another thing. Practice, friend, don’t be shy!

With practice, you will eventually get everything right. May the sound help you!

The Significance of the First Flute

The first flute is from native Americans. Master Akun from Catalonia made it for me precisely for this project, with the “DO” (C) note. By the way, all tracks will eventually speed up from 96bpm to 120bpm, which is our heart’s rhythm. Whether it’s 60 or 120 beats per minute, this is the perfect rhythm for dancing with a human body.
Before starting to sing the second mantra in a “RE” (D) key, I would like to revise the first one with you! When you sing this practice, always visualize all 7 colors rotating around you. The first color disk is red, but, eventually, the one who sings consistently will be able to visualize all 7 rotating disks at once. For now, if you cannot do all 7, then work on each disk separately, and this will also bring some results!
So, the second chakra is Svatishana, It is located a bit lower than navel but higher than pubic bone. You can read further details about physical and sacral chakras and how they affect our lives on the internet. Here is the link about Svadhistana, the second (sacral) chakra. You can read what it is responsible for and where it is located. Personally, for me, this chakra is what differentiates us from animals that co-exist with chakra Mudadhara. We, homo sapiens, unlike animals, stand vertically on 2 feet and produce energy further down our spine. Read more on Wikipedia

Therefore, animal’s energy started flowing higher, becoming orange. This is the difference between us and animals; Svatishana grants people creativity, emotions and an exalted state of mind. Unlike our horizontal friends, we have the opportunity to evolve spiritually, expanding our mind and realizing a creator within us (transformation from red to orange is the sign of evolution). The purpose of my project is not educating about chakras but opening and activating them. It is not necessary for you to know how your digestive system operates, isn’t it? You just eat and your body does its thing. So, after Ganesh, usually you have to chant about the Goddess of Wisdom, Sarasvati (we will definitely sing her a bit later).

However, since there are open military actions in the world, I decided it will be better to chant the Goddess of protection, Durga. She is of the forms of the Goddess Parvati, Mahadev’s (Shiva’s) wife. She is Prakriti (nature); she is Adiyogini (the first yogini); she is Pashupatini (mistress of animals); she is Kali (mistress of time).

We start singing with the “RE” (D) key;
Om Dum Durga Ma namooh, namaah.

I sing first. Then, we sing together. There will also be flute solo! While singing, we visualize orange circle (a disk) and rotate it clockwise around the area lower than the navel and try to produce sound right out of this area. If you manage to visualize red circle as well, the effect will be deeper.

Reminding you that every time before we start, we sing the Om mantra three times! Let us start singing!

Vertical and Horizontal.

Vertical line is a line parallel to the up-down direction at the selected point. The downward direction (nadir) is taken for the direction of gravity (that is, the acceleration of free fall), and the upward direction is the opposite power of gravity (zenith).

Visualizing the Chakras

The third Chakra Manipura is yellow! By the way, the flute in “RE” key was bought in a music shop in Barcelona. I loved how its sound reminded me of the feeling of sympathy. If the first flute urges you to act and reminds of how the elephant’s trunk sounds (just right for Ganesh), the second flute resonates with the second mantra since, generally, the desire to protect comes from the feeling of sympathy.

So, Manipura! The “Mi” (E) key.
Again, all the academic information you can and should read across the internet. I can tell that its color is yellow and, personally, for me, this chakra is about consciousness. Also, I call it “Ramchakra”. If the orange Svatishana is associated with a primitive human being and stood on their feet, Ramchakra is associated with a human being who straightens their back and navigates the energy flow higher. Having received an advantage over other beings, a person got resources for being creative. I can see how Parashuram (one of the first higher God’s avatars) took a stick, attached a stone to it, tied it all with a fresh liana, and made the first tool ever.

Manipura, the third Chakra, granted consciousness. Energy’s transformation stepped on a new level, and primitive people acquired an opportunity to grow further.

For me, Manipura is a chakra about resilience, will power, powerfulness. It is located in the small of the back. I called it Ramchakra because Ram (Ramachandra, the next higher God’s avatar) granted people their morals and showed them how the relationship between family should go. In the past, primitive communities used to have chaotic relationships. There was a hierarchy of animals: the one who was stronger was always right. With Ramachandra’s governing, the Human race experienced Dharma so divinity and talent came to people’s lives with Manipura.

Ramachandra is one of the greatest figures of our civilization, still revered, loved, and celebrated by those who have chosen the path of Sanatana Dharma (righteous path). Read more on Wikipedia

Before singing the third chakra, I would recommend the beautiful Indian epic "Ramayana" for a deeper understanding of the ideas I have expressed.

We will chant the mantra

Vasudeva literally means all-pervading, and it is one of the names of the Supreme Personality of Godhead!

Don't forget to visualize the yellow disc and rotate it clockwise. It's also important to learn how to extract the sound (chant) from the area of the lower back. For those who have progressed in visualization practice, I would like to remind you to rotate the red disc in the genital area and the orange disc in the area below the navel and above the pubic bone simultaneously, engaging and activating all three chakras.

One of the most important concepts in Indian philosophy and Indian religion

Flute in the Key of "E" and Its Miraculous Story

The flute in the key of "E" (E) is a Chinese Xiao flute made by a master from Ukraine. This is my first flute ordered online, and the only flute in my collection purchased without a prior test. Usually, one needs to try out the flute and feel if it suits you or not. Sometimes, you go to the master and spend hours trying out different flutes, and nothing resonates with you, it's not yours, and that's it. But in the case of purchasing remotely, everything worked out miraculously. The tonality of "Mi" comes from the Latin word miraculum, which translates as a miracle. In my case, everything worked out miraculously with this flute too!

The tonality of "FA" (F) - Anahata chakra - is green. We start singing the mantra, "Om Ganga Ma namoh namaah." And we spin the green disc in the area of the chest, singing from the heart, literally. Because Anahata is the heart chakra. For me, this chakra is about harmony. All those who have problems in the chest area are experiencing disharmony. Those who do things they don't want to do, those who suffer from lung problems, those who suffer from coughs, should sing the basic mantra "YAM" and visualize a green disc spinning clockwise in the chest area. I would also recommend visualizing the following image: an eagle soaring above the Green Hills covered with lush green grass, where trees majestically reach up to the sky. You see a stream flowing toward a large body of water, and pure mountain water gurgles like singing the song of nature, where everything is perfect and clear!

My choice did not fall accidentally on the mantra, extolling the sacred mother Ganga, the river that according to Hindu mythology purifies everything and everyone without exception. Personally, for me, water is an extraterrestrial creature that came to our planet, and we humans (earthlings) must learn to treat it carefully and with respect!

Om Ganga Ma
Namooh Namaah.

You can put your hand on your heart and feel the vibration in this area while singing, that's how the tonality of "FA" (F) works.
And as my first yoga teacher used to say, we stretch, stretch our hearts to the sky!

Mantra and Visualization for the Vishuddha Chakra

"The note 'Sol' (G) in the previous mantra was from the Philippines, and I call it 'sweet separation' considering its bright piercing sound, as you may have heard yourself! The note 'Sol' (G) corresponds to the Vishuddha chakra, the color blue. Vishuddha chakra is the communication chakra. The basic mantra of this chakra is HAM. Those who have problems with their throat can chant this basic mantra in the key of G, and visualize the color blue while rotating the disc clockwise around the throat! As I have already mentioned, all problems of the physical body are problems of the soul. Something you didn't tell someone... withheld... or on the contrary, you lied to someone... and that's how this chakra gets blocked!

Let's get back to practice! We will chant a mantra dedicated to the teacher of all yoga teachers, the main yogi, Adiyogi (the first yogi). He is also known as Shiva, and Shiva is also called Nilakantha (Blue Throated) because according to Indian epics, he once drank the Blue Poison to save people and the planet from imminent destruction.
You can read about it on Wikipedia.

Let's start practicing.
Om namah Shivaya
Om namah Shivay

We extract the sound from the neck area (if during the Anahata practice we kept our hand on the chest and felt the vibration specifically in this area, then when chanting Vishuddha, you can put your hand on the neck, and you will start feeling the vibration in this area when chanting in the key of G.

Don't forget to visualize the blue rotating disc clockwise around the neck.

OM Namah Shivaya
OM Namah Shivay

Halahala (Sanskrit: हलाहल, IAST: Halāhala) or Kalakuta (Sanskrit: कालकू टं, IAST: kālakūṭa) is a poison in Hindu mythology obtained during the churning of the Milk Ocean by the devas and asuras.”

The Power of the Saraswati Mantra

"The note 'A' - another flute of the Native Americans - sounded in the previous key and was made specifically for this project. Day by day, my connection with it grows stronger, and with practice, it reveals new nuances. Once again, I realize through personal experience that practice is the most important thing in any endeavor!

In the key of 'E', the third eye chakra's (AJNA) color is violet 💜. We will sing a mantra for the goddess of wisdom Saraswati! Intuition, musicality, super abilities - this is what the goddess Saraswati gives to people. In India, musicians and artists worship Brahma's consort, the goddess of wisdom Saraswati, so that their creativity is charged with divine energy. For me, talent is precisely this energy (in this age of advanced technology, everything can be learned from numerous sources on the Internet).


This mantra has taken on such a form in order to resonate most strongly in the area between the eyebrows. In essence, there are two mantras in this mantra! The syllable "OM" is itself a mantra, more precisely, the very first mantra. The universal sound that is always present. The noise that you hear in your ears in silence is precisely this all- pervading "OM."

If you now put your hand on your forehead, this area will vibrate during chanting!

People with an activated AJNA chakra are those who have accepted (from the word 'acceptance') the fact that everything in the universe is one. Often, people with an active AJNA chakra develop super abilities (siddhis). For me personally, the AJNA chakra is a symbol of surrendering oneself to the mercy of the universe or God, when you acknowledge (from the word 'know') that everything is HIM.

You can study tons of information from different sources in detail, but I just urge you to practice!

Don't forget to spin the violet disk around your head!

Let's sing!

The Sahasrara Chakra and Its Associated Mantras

The note "Si" (H) is my favorite tonality. It's the most comfortable for me to sing in, I feel like a fish in water!

The flute in the note "La" (A) is also something I bought from Native Americans somewhere in Europe. There's something magical about it, it reminds me of an eagle soaring above the clouds!

The tonality "Si" (H) corresponds to the Sahasrara chakra, the color is purple or light violet! Personally, this chakra reminds me of the movie "The Matrix," specifically the scene where the characters who escaped from the matrix were connected and disconnected with a cable that was attached to the top of their heads. That's where this transcendent chakra is located! One of the names of this chakra is "Hari-Hara Chakra."

We will sing two mantras in one:

Narayana is one of the names of God and literally means "all-sustaining." Surya literally means Sun. And here it is appropriate to remind you again that in Hinduism, the Sun is the supreme personification of God, and all its rays are different forms of God!

We will spin the purple disc during singing, and you can place your hand on your head and feel how your crown vibrates in the tonality of "Si" (H). I remind you that it is desirable to visualize all the discs that we have previously sung simultaneously, but if it doesn't work, you can visualize several at once and gradually add one color with each practice. Believe me, people get used to everything, and adapt, and this skill will also be developed over time.


Conclusion and Benefits of Singing the Names of God


To sing the names of God is a very powerful Practice that I practice and love!

We sang 7 mantras in seven tonalities - a Beautiful Practice for people who have started their spiritual journey. After each of these practices, I feel a surge of energy and inspiration, a state of clarity comes to me, so I decided to share this practice because spreading knowledge is the greatest benefit!

I want to conclude this series of seven episodes with the following words:
Discard all concepts, sing the song of life. The best mantra that binds us all is the mantra of life! Living life is the best practice, and being yourself is the best tool in this practice! Believe in yourself, love yourself, go your own way, and be sure that just as all rivers flow into the vast ocean, so do all paths lead to God! As many souls, so many paths! And to walk your unique path is great happiness!

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