The first flute is from native Americans. Master Akun from Catalonia made it for me precisely for
this project, with the “DO” (C) note. By the way, all tracks will eventually speed up from 96bpm to
120bpm, which is our heart’s rhythm. Whether it’s 60 or 120 beats per minute, this is the perfect
rhythm for dancing with a human body.
Before starting to sing the second mantra in a “RE” (D) key, I would like to revise the first one with
you! When you sing this practice, always visualize all 7 colors rotating around you. The first color
disk is red, but, eventually, the one who sings consistently will be able to visualize all 7 rotating
disks at once. For now, if you cannot do all 7, then work on each disk separately, and this will also
bring some results!
So, the second chakra is Svatishana, It is located a bit lower than navel but higher than pubic bone.
You can read further details about physical and sacral chakras and how they affect our lives on the
internet. Here is the link about Svadhistana, the second (sacral) chakra. You can read what it is
responsible for and where it is located. Personally, for me, this chakra is what differentiates us from
animals that co-exist with chakra Mudadhara. We, homo sapiens, unlike animals, stand vertically on
2 feet and produce energy further down our spine.
Read more on Wikipedia
Therefore, animal’s energy started flowing higher, becoming orange. This is the difference between
us and animals; Svatishana grants people creativity, emotions and an exalted state of mind. Unlike
our horizontal friends, we have the opportunity to evolve spiritually, expanding our mind and
realizing a creator within us (transformation from red to orange is the sign of evolution). The
purpose of my project is not educating about chakras but opening and activating them. It is not
necessary for you to know how your digestive system operates, isn’t it? You just eat and your body
does its thing. So, after Ganesh, usually you have to chant about the Goddess of Wisdom, Sarasvati
(we will definitely sing her a bit later).
However, since there are open military actions in the world, I decided it will be better to chant the
Goddess of protection, Durga. She is of the forms of the Goddess Parvati, Mahadev’s (Shiva’s)
wife. She is Prakriti (nature); she is Adiyogini (the first yogini); she is Pashupatini (mistress of
animals); she is Kali (mistress of time).
We start singing with the “RE” (D) key;
Om Dum Durga Ma namooh, namaah.
I sing first. Then, we sing together. There will also be flute solo! While singing, we visualize orange
circle (a disk) and rotate it clockwise around the area lower than the navel and try to produce sound
right out of this area. If you manage to visualize red circle as well, the effect will be deeper.
Reminding you that every time before we start, we sing the Om mantra three times! Let us start singing!
Vertical and Horizontal.
Vertical line is a line parallel to the up-down direction at the selected point. The downward direction
(nadir) is taken for the direction of gravity (that is, the acceleration of free fall), and the upward
direction is the opposite power of gravity (zenith).